Prague Bans Drunk Tourists and Bar Crawls to Attract 'More Cultivated, Wealthier' Visitors

Prague Bans Drunk Tourists and Bar Crawls to Attract 'More Cultivated, Wealthier' Visitors

World October 14, 2024 17:30

prague, czech republic - The city of Prague in the Czech Republic has banned organized bar crawls for tourists as it aims to attract a more sophisticated and affluent crowd. The ban comes in light of the city's popularity among bachelor parties and budget-conscious young visitors.

Prague has long been a popular destination for stag parties and young people looking to drink cheaply. Deputy Mayor Jiri Pospisil stated that the city wants to attract 'more cultivated, wealthier tourists' and believes that those who come to the city 'simply to get drunk' do not contribute enough to Prague.

While individuals are still allowed to visit multiple pubs in one evening, the city is no longer permitting commercially organized group bar crawls. These tours, typically organized by travel agencies, are now banned from 22:00 to 06:00.

The Czech Republic holds the title for the highest beer consumption per capita in the world, with foreign visitors playing a significant role in this. In 2023, each resident consumed 128 liters of beer. In some establishments in Prague's old town, beer is cheaper than water.

The Czech Hospitality Association has welcomed the ban on bar crawls, citing the disturbances caused by these organized tours. Association President Vaclav Starek expressed that the restriction is not expected to negatively impact beer sales and emphasized that individuals are still free to visit pubs on their own accord, but organized nightlife tours are not welcomed.

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