Possible Entrance Fee for Notre-Dame in Paris Proposed Outside of Church Service

Possible Entrance Fee for Notre-Dame in Paris Proposed Outside of Church Service

World October 24, 2024 15:40

paris - The French Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, has proposed a fee of 5 euros per person for visiting the world-famous cathedral Notre-Dame in Paris.

Rachida Dati believes that only tourists coming to admire the cultural treasure should pay an entrance fee. She estimates that this could generate 75 million euros per year, with all proceeds going towards the restoration of churches across the country. The minister suggests that this move could help save 'all churches in Paris and the rest of the country'. In France, entrance fees are generally not charged for visiting churches, but Dati wants to change that for Notre-Dame.

Dati also aims to increase revenue from visitors to popular attractions such as the Louvre in Paris. Citizens of the European Union will be exempt from her plans, but tourists from outside the EU will have to pay higher entrance fees. Currently, a ticket to the Louvre costs 22 euros, but there are many exceptions. For example, those under 18 can visit for free, and up to the age of 26, visits are free for residents of the European Economic Area - thirty European countries.

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