Nicolas Vanwinsen, a Man with Down Syndrome, Elected to City Council in Belgium

Nicolas Vanwinsen, a Man with Down Syndrome, Elected to City Council in Belgium

World October 14, 2024 13:20

heist-op-den-berg - Nicolas Vanwinsen, a 33-year-old man with Down syndrome, was elected as the first candidate with Down syndrome ever in Belgium. He received 663 preference votes and is determined to fulfill his role as a city council member in Heist-op-den-Berg.

Nicolas visibly enjoyed the CD&V party in Heist-op-den-Berg, where the party celebrated their election victory. He stood on the front row in the victory photo next to the party leader Dirk Van Noten. Van Noten expressed his pride in Nicolas, highlighting his role as a symbol of inclusion and a valuable asset to their team.

Nicolas himself was beaming with joy. He described the moment as significant, admitting he hadn't expected it but had hoped for it. He expressed his determination to represent those who are often unheard in the council.

In an interview prior to his election, Nicolas outlined his priorities, including fighting against bullying, promoting equal opportunities, simplifying administrative processes for volunteers, supporting employers hiring individuals with disabilities, and fostering interaction between G-activities and other events.

Fully engaged in various local associations and clubs as a volunteer, Nicolas will dedicate time to his new political role with the support of his party. His personal buddy, Kristel Van Craen, will accompany him and provide assistance when needed.

Nicolas, whose grandmother served as mayor for 24 years in Heist, sees her as a significant influence. Reflecting on his family's political legacy, he aims to continue their commitment to the community with pride and determination.

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