Newly Discovered Diaries Reveal Fascinating Insights into Hitler

- Diaries of Unity Mitford, detailing encounters with Hitler, resurface after eight decades, intriguing historians.
Unity Mitford's Fascination with Hitler
A number of diaries belonging to Unity Mitford have been rediscovered after eight decades, as revealed by the newspaper. Historian Andrew Roberts deems it a "extremely rare find."
The aristocrat was fascinated by Hitler. The diaries show that Unity even stalked him when she moved to Munich at the age of 20. The diaries document a total of 139 encounters with the Nazi leader, whom she consistently refers to as "the Führer." Later, she also describes him as "very kind."
In February 1935, Unity wrote that she had experienced the "greatest day of her life" when Hitler had invited her to sit at his table at the Osteria Bavaria restaurant. "I sit next to him while he eats his lunch, and we talk. The greatest day of my life. He writes me a card. When he leaves, the waitress tells me that he has never invited anyone in that way before."
Mitford, born in London, managed to integrate herself so well into Hitler's inner circle that allegedly her presence caused Hitler's partner, Eva Braun, to become jealous of their relationship.
She made her final notes on September 1, 1939, the day Germany invaded Poland. The then 25-year-old Unity was distraught at the prospect of Britain and Nazi Germany going to war that she shot herself in the head. The suicide attempt failed, resulting in Unity sustaining brain damage.
Hitler paid for Unity's hospital bill and transportation to neutral Switzerland. Eight years later, Unity passed away due to complications from her suicide attempt.

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