Neonazi Andreas (37) Dies After Fall from Hitler's Favorite Mountain

Neonazi Andreas (37) Dies After Fall from Hitler's Favorite Mountain

World October 11, 2024 12:50

bavaria - Andreas (37), a well-known neonazi in Bavaria, slipped and died after falling from Hitler's favorite mountain.

The newspaper reports that Andreas was hiking with a group of thirty men in Berchtesgadener Land, Bavaria. Andreas from Freiberg was, according to Bild, the treasurer of the far-right extremist party 'Der III. Weg' and one of the key figures in the regional association of the small neonazi party.

On September 29, 2024, he set out with a hiking group to Untersberg. The 1972-meter-high mountain provided Adolf Hitler's favorite view. It was there that the Nazi dictator also built his residence, the Berghof. Berchtesgadener Land became his place of residence, with panoramic views of the beloved mountain.

The hikers were about to descend from the mountain hut Störhaus when the accident occurred. According to medical reports, Andreas slipped on a tree root and fell sixty meters down. Companions made an emergency call, but as rescuers later announced, Andreas had already died immediately after the crash. Two companions were airlifted to the valley. The crisis intervention team took care of the rest of the hiking group.

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