Man digs up body of dead mother in Spain, claiming he didn't believe she was dead

spain - A man in Spain digs up the body of his mother, believing she was buried prematurely. He faces charges of desecrating a grave.
In a peculiar incident in Spain, a man unearthed his mother's body and took it home, claiming he didn't believe she was dead. According to a local priest, the man, known only by the initials R. A. D. in the media, was seen walking in broad daylight in the cemetery, shouting that his mother had been taken from her home 'without permission'. 'At the grave, he removed the flowers and broke the thin stone wall that protected the coffin,' he told local Spanish media.
Bystanders claim the son was convinced that his mother was buried prematurely. He told them that his mother had passed away too quickly. The death, which occurred just three days earlier, was too sudden for him to accept. He doubted it and thus wanted to check her grave.
Between 1:00 and 3:00 pm, he dragged the coffin across the cemetery and loaded it into his car before driving it to his home, about 3 kilometers away. People at the cemetery tried to convince him to stop his plan, but he instead asked them to help lift the coffin into his car. The bystanders refused and alerted the police.
Once at home, R. A. D. was arrested, and the coffin with the woman's body was returned to the parish cemetery and reburied in her grave. A few hours later, the coffin was removed by judicial order and transferred to a funeral home.
R. A. D. spent a night at the police station and was interrogated by a psychologist the next morning. He reiterated that his mother had passed away too quickly. The sudden death, just three days earlier, was hard for him to accept. The psychologist ruled out any psychiatric condition.
He appeared in court, and an hour after his hearing, he was informed that he could visit his mother at the cemetery from which he had removed her body. However, he faces charges of desecrating a grave.

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