Lasers as Drone Defense: A Futuristic Weapon Becoming Reality

Lasers as Drone Defense: A Futuristic Weapon Becoming Reality

World October 15, 2024 06:10

amsterdam - Recent advancements have made lasers more practical and effective as a defense against drones, with countries like the US, Israel, and the UK conducting field tests on laser weapons.

Losing their futuristic status, lasers are becoming more practical as a defense weapon, especially against drones. Recent technological developments have addressed previous drawbacks, making lasers lighter and more cost-effective. The cost of a shot from a laser is around 12 euros, significantly lower than traditional anti-aircraft missiles. Countries like the US, Israel, and the UK are conducting field tests on laser weapons, with applications ranging from short-range target acquisition to drone interception.

Lasers can effectively disable drones by targeting critical components like fuel tanks or sensors, rendering them useless. Despite the progress, challenges remain such as weight, limited range, and sensitivity to weather conditions. Advancements in laser efficiency, however, offer promising solutions to these obstacles, signaling a new era in laser technology.

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