Historical Discovery of Air Raid Shelters in Paiporta After Flooding

paiporta, valencia, spain - Residents of Paiporta uncover air raid shelters from the Spanish Civil War following floods.
Historical Discovery
After extreme rainfall in Valencia, caused by the weather phenomenon Dana on October 29th, water levels rose rapidly, leading to flooding in the region. The town of Paiporta was heavily affected, with homes submerged in water. Some residents found hidden air raid shelters under their houses, dating back to the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The shelters were used as protection against bombings during that time.
Discoveries of underground passageways and shelters beneath several houses have sparked interest among experts, speculating that they may form a network. Francisco Juan, director of the University Institute for Heritage Restoration at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, highlighted the cultural significance of the findings and emphasized the importance of documenting and studying these historical structures.
The search for air raid shelters has garnered widespread attention, with institutions and universities expressing willingness to contribute to the research. Despite the eagerness of residents, Juan stressed the need for a thorough and safe investigation process.

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