Former NASA Commander Reveals UFO Encounter Over Texas
December 29, 2024 23:12
texas, usa - Former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao confessed to seeing two metallic sphere-shaped UFOs passing by his aircraft over Texas.
Former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao, who served as the commander of the 10th expedition to the International Space Station between 2004-2005, recently admitted to witnessing 'two metallic sphere-shaped objects' passing near his aircraft while flying over Texas in late August. Chiao stated that the objects flew past the left side of his aircraft at an altitude of 9,000 feet. He described the objects as hovering over one another, each approximately 90 cm in diameter.
'They were very close to colliding, I narrowly escaped. If they had collided, the outcome could have been bad. It happened so fast that I didn't even have a chance to be scared,' Chiao said.
Currently working as an engineering consultant and entrepreneur, Chiao revealed in an interview with NewsNation that the metallic spheres were undetectable on radar. 'They were not visible on radar. Air traffic control did not warn me. I don't know what they were,' Chiao said. He expressed concerns about the government's lack of transparency regarding such unidentified unmanned aerial vehicles, stating that it could lead to 'frightening' consequences. 'They can share what they know with us. If they truly don't know, that's a bit more worrisome,' Chiao added. The former astronaut also entertains the possibility that these objects could be a secret military technology of the US.