EU High Representative Kallas: Space Security Measures Should Be Enhanced
January 29, 2025 16:00
brussels, belgium - EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Kallas emphasizes the need to enhance space security measures amidst increasing threats.
EU High Representative Kallas Calls for Enhanced Space Security Measures
During the 17th European Space Conference in Brussels, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Kaja Kallas and EU Commissioner for Defence and Space Andrius Kubilius highlighted the importance of bolstering space security measures in the face of escalating threats, particularly from Russia. Kallas stressed that Europe is currently facing hybrid warfare, posing significant risks to both terrestrial and space industries.
Kallas pointed out that recent actions by Russia, such as testing anti-satellite missiles and launching cyberattacks on space systems, underscore the need for a robust response to safeguard Europe's space interests.
Emphasizing the interconnectedness of space security and economic well-being, Kallas stated, 'When we defend space, we also defend our economies. The security of our satellites is the security of our societies. Addressing these challenges collectively is in the interest of all EU member states.'
Kallas called for the development of a new European space strategy, advocating for increased intelligence sharing among EU countries, clear identification of aggressors and potential retaliatory measures, and closer cooperation with allies, including the United States, to establish a unified defense strategy against emerging space threats.
Warning against the risk of space turning into a 'Wild West' where only the strongest survive, the High Representative emphasized the necessity of preventing such a scenario, stating, 'We cannot allow space to become a real risk. We must act together to prevent this.'