EU High Representative Kallas Makes Notable Statements Ahead of Turkey Visit
January 23, 2025 08:00
turkey - EU High Representative Kaja Kallas emphasizes the importance of Turkey as a strategic partner and discusses various regional and cooperation topics before her upcoming visit.
"Visiting Turkey at the Right Time"
Kallas highlights the strategic importance of Turkey as a partner and the need for further collaboration, addressing regional security and energy cooperation. The discussions also touch upon Turkey's candidacy for the EU and the potential for revitalizing the Turkey-EU High-Level Political Dialogue and Partnership Council.
"Building a Unified European Defense System"
Kallas underscores the importance of collective defense efforts within the EU without duplicating NATO's functions, emphasizing the need for effective collaboration among the 27 EU member states.
"Ready to Discuss Easing Sanctions on Syria"
Kallas expresses cautious optimism regarding Syria's new government, stressing the need for a comprehensive approach and international cooperation. The EU is prepared to consider easing sanctions based on Syria's actions.
"Commitment to Sustainable Peace in Gaza"
Kallas welcomes the Gaza ceasefire and increasing humanitarian aid, emphasizing the EU's interest in a lasting peace. She advocates for a balanced two-state solution and highlights the upcoming EU-Israel Partnership Council meeting.
"Willingness to Collaborate with the New US Administration"
Kallas expresses readiness to cooperate on security, defense, economic, and foreign policy issues with the new US administration, citing shared interests and the importance of transatlantic partnership.