Disgruntled Ex-Employee Hacks Disney Menus and Alters Information on Peanut Allergy
October 31, 2024 09:00
miami - A disgruntled former Disney employee is accused of hacking the online menu system of restaurants in Disney World and altering the menus, including falsely stating that some dishes are safe for customers with a peanut allergy.
Michael Scheuer, who worked in one of Disney's many kitchens, was fired in June for 'misconduct'. The ex-employee allegedly used passwords he still knew to log into the menu-making software.
Scheuer's lawyer, David Haas, confirmed to the New York Post that his client was a Disney employee. The lawyer stated that there have been no reported cases of Disney customers falling ill due to the ex-employee's actions.
The tampering with the menus was discovered in time as Scheuer also reportedly included 'obscene language' on the menu. The content of the menus may only be revealed during the man's upcoming court appearance.
According to the complaint, Disney intercepted the menus after they were printed but before they were sent to Disney restaurants.