Boris Johnson Ignores Queen's Advice, Sours in Resentment

Boris Johnson Ignores Queen's Advice, Sours in Resentment

World October 1, 2024 14:50

london - New excerpts from Boris Johnson's autobiography reveal his disregard for Queen Elizabeth's advice to not be bitter, as he turns sour with resentment.

Boris Johnson is seen holding a grudge despite Queen Elizabeth's advice not to. The main target of his bitterness seems to be his former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak. In July 2022, Boris Johnson faced increasing pressure as many Members of Parliament from his Conservative party lost faith in his leadership. Eventually, even Sunak resigned, leading to a mass exodus of ministers and secretaries within 24 hours. Two days later, Johnson himself announced his resignation.

In a new preview of his political memoir Unleashed, Boris Johnson describes the events as a miscalculation with significant consequences for Sunak, the party, and the nation. Johnson's choice of words reflects his values, where mistakes are considered worse than crimes. While he avoids using the term bitterness, he acknowledges feeling sorrow, which essentially holds the same weight.

Former Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries previously penned a controversial book detailing a plot to remove Boris Johnson as Prime Minister. However, Johnson seems to endorse this theory, questioning whether it was indeed a plot orchestrated by some individuals since his early premiership days.

In these previews, Johnson fails to provide any evidence to support the notion of a conspiracy. He directs his resentment towards another politician, Michael Gove, who, according to Dorries, played a key role in the alleged plot. Despite his internal conflict, Johnson portrays himself as deeply attached to his Brexit buddy Gove while also labeling him as utterly untrustworthy.

The root of Johnson's bitterness seems to stem from Gove's betrayal during the succession battle following David Cameron's resignation in 2016 after the Brexit referendum. Johnson and Gove had struck a deal where Johnson would become Prime Minister, with Gove as Chancellor. However, Gove withdrew his support within weeks, claiming that Johnson lacked the seriousness required for leadership.

As Johnson reflects on these events, he fails to mention his own last-minute dismissal of Gove, just before his own resignation. This act, perceived by many as an act of spite, occurred shortly after Gove expressed doubts about Johnson's premiership. Johnson came to the same conclusion soon after but not before showing Gove the door first.

Despite facing criticism, Johnson appears unfazed, attributing this to his unwavering self-confidence. He dismisses the feedback as inconsequential, akin to water rolling off a duck's back. Meanwhile, Johnson contemplates a return to politics, presenting a list of ten priorities as a roadmap for a potential comeback.

These priorities outline a vision for a transformed Britain under his leadership, promising solutions to long-standing issues while lowering taxes and intensifying climate change initiatives. Johnson imagines a utopia where all challenges can be swiftly addressed, except for his occasional apologies for imaginary mistakes, which he believes confuses voters but not politicians.

In this alternate reality Boris Johnson envisions, there is no room for bitterness, only determination to reshape the nation. Queen Elizabeth might find herself puzzled by the intricate dynamics at play.

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