Boris Johnson considered military operation in the Netherlands to seize COVID-19 vaccines

Boris Johnson considered military operation in the Netherlands to seize COVID-19 vaccines

World September 28, 2024 11:49

united kingdom - Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirms he considered a military operation to seize AstraZeneca vaccines stored in the Netherlands during the pandemic after a dispute with the EU.

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed that he considered giving the order for a military operation to seize AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines that were stored in a warehouse in Leiden, Netherlands, destined for the United Kingdom, during the height of the pandemic.

At the peak of the pandemic, the European Union had considered redistributing five million AstraZeneca vaccines to its own population, sparking anger in the UK, which had already paid for the doses.

Two diplomatic sources revealed in late 2023 to British media that Johnson was so furious over the EU's plans that he contemplated a secret operation. Johnson now confirms this in his memoirs, stating that the EU had treated the UK maliciously.

The plans for the military operation were allegedly discussed in March 2021. Johnson ordered a study to determine the technical feasibility of conducting a waterborne operation to seize the vaccines in Leiden, as he felt the UK needed them desperately.

Lieutenant General Doug Chalmers, the UK's Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, reportedly assured Johnson that the plan was feasible using inflatable boats on Dutch canals. However, Chalmers also warned Johnson about the risk of being caught and having to explain to NATO allies why the UK had invaded a sovereign country.

Johnson ultimately decided not to proceed with the plan, acknowledging the absurdity of the situation but also secretly agreeing with his advisors that the entire scenario was implausible.

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