7-year-old boy killed in ritual sacrifice in India

7-year-old boy killed in ritual sacrifice in India

World September 27, 2024 12:54

hathras - A 7-year-old boy was killed in a ritual sacrifice at a school in the city of Hathras, India. The police have not disclosed how the boy died, but stated that the ceremony was not yet completed.

A 7-year-old boy was killed in a ritual sacrifice at a school in Hathras, India. The police have not disclosed how the boy died, but stated that the ceremony was not yet completed. The boy was supposed to be taken to an altar but died in his own bed. The school principal allegedly hid the body in the trunk of his car. The boy's father filed a complaint, leading to police intervention.

Human sacrifices are not uncommon in India, with 103 cases reported between 2014 and 2021. Last year, five men were arrested for beheading a 64-year-old woman after visiting a temple.

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