• Hunting for 'vampires' Malawi continues

    blantyre October 20, 2017 11:45 Hot Recent News

    Vermed vampires remain the target of lynch parties in the south of african malawi. In recent weeks, eight people have been killed by wild hordes because they were kept for leeches.

  • President Malawi promises 'vampires'

    President Malawi promises 'vampires'

    ilongwe October 13, 2017 18:06 Hot Recent News

    The President of Malawi warns suspected vampires to cherish. 'If people use witchcraft to suck people's blood, I'll pay with them. I also ask them to stop immediately, 'said Peter Mutharika against village heads.

  • Drone saves shrimps from corners

    Drone saves shrimps from corners

    winterswijk July 24, 2017 11:45 Hot Recent News

    In the vicinity of Winterswijk, over the past few years, 34 reckays could be saved thanks to a drone. Because the animals are hidden in the grass, farmers who have to mow the young ravens are often overlooked. The calves therefore come between the blades of the mowers.

  • Visitors Tomorrowland massively screened

    Visitors Tomorrowland massively screened

    tree July 11, 2017 18:39 Hot Recent News

    Dozens of people who bought a ticket for the Belgian festival Tomorrowland are not welcome to the dance event in Boom. The police told VRT News on Tuesday that the data of about 400,000 ticketing purchases were thoroughly screened, after which 35 people were refused.

  • The latest World Heritage

    amsterdam July 10, 2017 19:54 Hot Recent News

    Like every year, UNESCO, the UN's cultural subdivision, has again selected this year from the numerous applications for World Heritage status. Seventeen places last week received the coveted status, including the Palestinian city of Hebron, to the great horror of the Israelis who believe that the city is more in Jewish history than in Islamic. Election often means that the place can expect a lot of tourists, even though some places are unsuitable for this, for example, nature reserve.

  • Vandals demolish petroglyph

    Vandals demolish petroglyph

    oslo August 2, 2016 17:45 Hot Recent News

    Vandals have on the Norwegian island Tro four rare rock paintings from the Stone Age irreparably damaged. The two offenders had scratched the 4000 to 5000 years old drawings with a sharp object.

  • Germans night in train by sleet

    Germans night in train by sleet

    emden January 4, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    More than six hundred passengers spent the night of Sunday to Monday in Germany spent in a train. They stopped in the middle between the meadows, because the overhead was frozen. Eventually the train left until Monday morning, 22 hours late.

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