• Hurricane Florence grows into 'extremely dangerous'

    Hurricane Florence grows into 'extremely dangerous'

    miami September 10, 2018 06:16 Hot Recent News

    Hurricane Florence is rapidly growing into a large and 'extremely dangerous'; Hurricane. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami has announced this. The hurricane would reach the mainland of the United States on Thursday. If that happens, there are very likely flooding. Florence now has wind speeds of up to 150 kilometers per hour.

  • Tropical storm Florence now hurricane

    Tropical storm Florence now hurricane

    miami September 9, 2018 22:16 Hot Recent News

    The tropical storm of Florence has sunk so fast in the Atlantic on Sunday that there is now a hurricane with wind speeds of 120 kilometers per hour. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami expects Florence to develop into a whirling storm of category 3 or higher over the next 24 hours.

  • Very bloody week in rebel region Syria

    Very bloody week in rebel region Syria

    damascus February 9, 2018 08:54 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian region of East Ghouta has been through the bloodiest week since 2015. Over the past four days, at least 229 people have been killed by attacks from government forces, reports the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. This is based on local sources.

  • Trumps confidant Rob Porter gets on

    Trumps confidant Rob Porter gets on

    washington February 7, 2018 21:54 Hot Recent News

    A confidant from US President Donald Trump on Wednesday offered his resignation after a revelation in The Daily Mail. The British magazine wrote on his site that Rob Porter, who works as a secretary in the staff of the White House, has emotionally and physically abused two former women. He denies those allegations but finds it wiser to step out.

  • Great action police Italy against mafia

    rome November 7, 2017 15:36 Hot Recent News

    The Italian police arrested tens of thousands of suspects in a major operation against the mafia in three cities and seized over 50 million euros of property. That happened in actions in Reggio Calabria, Naples and Florence.

  • Tourist death by brokstuk church Florence

    florence October 19, 2017 16:24 Hot Recent News

    A 52-year-old Spanish tourist was killed deadly on Thursday by a piece of stone crumbling down from the famous Santa Croce Basilica in Florence. The fracture was probably part of an ornament of the god house where among others Galileo and Michelangelo had a grave.

  • Brussels and London talk about Brexit

    Brussels and London talk about Brexit

    brussels September 25, 2017 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The European Union and the United Kingdom will resume negotiations on the forthcoming divorce on Monday in Brussels. This fourth round was postponed for a week because of the 'Brexit' speech by British Prime Minister Theresa May last Friday in Florence.

  • Brexit chief EU calls premier May constructive

    Brexit chief EU calls premier May constructive

    brussels September 22, 2017 17:33 Hot Recent News

    The EU's main negotiator for the brexit finds Theresa May's speech 'constructive.' According to Michel Barnier, the British Prime Minister in Florence expressed in her speech about the departure of her country from the EU 'willingness to advance' with the negotiations. Barnier recently complained that the British are too vague about what they want.

  • May reaches the EU olive branch

    May reaches the EU olive branch

    florence September 22, 2017 15:45 Hot Recent News

    Prime Minister Theresa May tries to seduce the EU with an olive branch soon to negotiate the future trade relationship between the EU and the UK. In a speech about the Brexit in Florence she beat a reconciliation tone, but she did not really understand the most controversial subjects.

  • EU ignores speech May

    EU ignores speech May

    florence/london/brussels September 22, 2017 13:39 Hot Recent News

    At the allegedly historic speech held by the British Prime Minister Theresa May in Florence on Friday afternoon, there is no envoy of the European Union.

  • Italian agents charged with rape

    Italian agents charged with rape

    rome September 9, 2017 11:51 Hot Recent News

    Two US students in Italy said last week in Florence were raped by two agents of the carabinieri. They had given them a lift home from a nightclub where a fighter had been. The two women, aged 19 and 21, say the agents got married to them before they could come into their rooms.

  • Giuseppe Florence Florence crosses the earth

    Giuseppe Florence Florence crosses the earth

    moscow August 31, 2017 15:48 Hot Recent News

    A giant brick stone passes the earth on Friday. It is about asteroids Florence, which has a diameter of 4.4 kilometers. Florence flies 7 million miles from the earth. According to NASA's spacecraft, it is the largest asteroid that flies along the earth at such a relatively short distance.

  • Lloret de Mar upset by violent nightlife violence: Italian (22) dead
    0 Comment 209

    Lloret de Mar upset by violent nightlife violence: Italian (22) dead

    lloret de mar August 14, 2017 20:03 Hot Recent News

    The popular Spanish seaside town of Lloret de Mar has been boasted by a brutal nightmare that killed a 22-year-old Italian. The man, Niccolò Ciatti, was stuck to the ground on his ground. Due to the shocking case, three Russian tourists were arrested between the twenty-thirty years, the Italian newspaper La Repubblica writes.

  • Emergency state due to water shortages in Italy

    Emergency state due to water shortages in Italy

    rome June 23, 2017 14:42 Hot Recent News

    Continuing heat leads to ever-increasing water shortages in Italy. In two provinces, the situation is so depressing that the government in Rome has proclaimed the state of emergency on Friday. Italian health is also at risk of high temperatures. For example, the cities of Bologna, Turin and Florence have been redone code for this weekend.

  • Florence puts water in against tourists

    Florence puts water in against tourists

    florence June 1, 2017 17:03 Hot Recent News

    In some places in Florence, Florence wants to act with water against the masses of tourists. For example, the stairs and squares will be wet for a few churches in the center around the midday. This is not only intended for cleaning but also to prevent the countless visitors from having a picnic.

  • Conspiracy big capital drives no voter

    rome December 4, 2016 07:51 Hot Recent News

    Highly distributed and after fierce debates between the Italians today can finally go to the polls for the referendum. For years, the Italian people shouted against the caste which political power with all its privileges was intended.

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