• Number of deaths continued to increase fire Bucharest

    Number of deaths continued to increase fire Bucharest

    bucharest November 8, 2015 19:00 Hot Recent News

    Nine days after the devastating fire in a nightclub in Bucharest increased the death toll to 44. The disaster prompted massive street protests, which resulted in the resignation of Prime Minister Victor Ponta. Many Romanians corruption and thus lead the government as responsible for the event.

  • Bucharest colectiv fire club died
    0 Comment 156

    Bucharest colectiv fire club died

    bucharest November 7, 2015 23:07 Hot Recent News

    Eight days after the devastating fire in a nightclub in Bucharest increased the death toll to 39. The disaster prompted massive street protests, which resulted in the resignation of Prime Minister Victor Ponta. Many Romanians corruption and thus lead the government as responsible for the event.

  • First refugees to Luxembourg

    First refugees to Luxembourg

    athens November 4, 2015 10:00 Hot Recent News

    The redistribution of refugees from Greece to Western Europe has begun. A first group of thirty people flew Wednesday with a commercial flight from Athens to Brussels. From Brussels they travel on to Luxembourg, where they are recorded, the government reported in Athens.

  • Over 60 million for displaced persons in Syria

    Over 60 million for displaced persons in Syria

    brussels November 3, 2015 16:15 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission makes 62 million euros for humanitarian aid to Syrians who are displaced within their own country. The emergency aid is to save lives in Syria, where the winter life of the most vulnerable people is even more difficult, let Commissioner Christos Stylianides (Humanitarian Aid & amp; Crisis) Tuesday know.

  • Visfraude restaurants in Brussels

    Visfraude restaurants in Brussels

    brussels November 4, 2015 16:01 Hot Recent News

    Restaurants in Brussels serve in many cases fish other than they promise on the map. This appears according to the environmental group Oceana out DNA testing of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

  • Germany extends border

    Germany extends border

    October 28, 2015 20:45 Hot Recent News

    Germany wants to control its border with Austria perform longer. The goal is to have better control of the flow of asylum seekers entering the country there. Minister Thomas de Maizière of Internal Affairs, the European Commission in Brussels informed in writing of the intention.

  • Man driving in convoy at Prime Belgium

    Man driving in convoy at Prime Belgium

    brussels October 28, 2015 14:50 Hot Recent News

    A man who apparently can not stand lights flashing, drove last Wednesday with his car in the convoy of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel. The incident was at the end of the afternoon on the road from Brussels to Louvain-la-Neuve, reported the newspaper La Dernière Heure Wednesday.

  • Six million Greek refugees transport

    Six million Greek refugees transport

    brussels October 26, 2015 20:30 Hot Recent News

    Greece will receive 5.9 million euros from the European Commission to improve the reception and registration of refugees. The money is sufficient for the next four months to bear the costs of transporting at least 60 000 migrants from the islands to the mainland, the committee will know Monday.

  • EU: hundreds of border guards to Balkan Region

    EU: hundreds of border guards to Balkan Region

    brussels October 25, 2015 18:34 Hot Recent News

    The European Union wants for Wednesday to send more than four hundred border guards to the Balkans and Southeast Europe to get the refugee crisis in the region under control. This is stated in the draft of the summit that government leaders conduct Sunday in Brussels.

  • Brussels approves Germany border control well

    Brussels approves Germany border control well

    brussels October 23, 2015 14:01 Hot Recent News

    The temporary border checks that Germany and Austria have introduced to deal with the influx of refugees to the head are allowed. The "extraordinary" controls are not in violation of the Schengen Treaty, the European Commission ruled Friday.

  • Suspended prison sentence blundering agent

    Suspended prison sentence blundering agent

    brussels October 22, 2015 20:03 Hot Recent News

    The agent held in May last year, important information after a terrorist attack in Brussels long before him, on Thursday received a suspended sentence of two months. The man risked six months in prison and a fine up to 3000 euros. His lawyers have already announced job.

  • Nearly 100 million for Somali refugees

    Nearly 100 million for Somali refugees

    brussels October 21, 2015 19:53 Hot Recent News

    The international community Wednesday at a conference in Brussels on Somali refugees 94 million in assistance. The cost of a broad two -year action plan for Somalia that was discussed amounts incidentally over 445 million euros.

  • Sixty million for Somali refugees

    Sixty million for Somali refugees

    brussels October 21, 2015 16:18 Hot Recent News

    The European Union further 60 million aside for assistance to Somali refugees in Kenya and Somalia itself. Abroad Chef Federica Mogherini makes announced Wednesday at a conference in Brussels on Somali refugees.

  • Summit on migrant crisis Balkans

    Summit on migrant crisis Balkans

    brussels October 22, 2015 09:56 Hot Recent News

    Ten European leaders Sunday again go to Brussels to discuss the refugee crisis. Jean-Claude Jucker, president of the European Commission convened them Wednesday to talk about migrants accumulation in the Balkans.

  • Hungary decided to close border

    Hungary decided to close border

    budapest October 16, 2015 10:23 Hot Recent News

    Hungary decide Friday whether the Croatian border closes to stem the influx of refugees. That the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in Brussels . EU countries agreed in the Belgian capital on an agreement with Turkey on refugees .

  • Over a hundred arrests at EU summit

    Over a hundred arrests at EU summit

    brussels October 16, 2015 07:08 Hot Recent News

    When disturbances in the top of the European Union in Brussels Thursday made ​​105 arrests. Approximately six hundred demonstrators tried to encircle the top , but police held them . Most of the detainees were only fined. One suspect should avoid because he was carrying a knife.

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