• Dozens injured at shooting nightclub USA

    Dozens injured at shooting nightclub USA

    little rock July 2, 2017 14:18 Hot Recent News

    After the shooting party on Saturday morning in a nightclub in the US state of Arkansas where 28 injured fell, the police arrested two suspects. One of them is a rapper who had performed at the Power Ultra Lounge in Little Rock. The police suspect that an argument between members of two rival gangs escalated in the club.

  • Known 'haatimam' arrested in England

    Known 'haatimam' arrested in England

    gouda June 29, 2017 17:18 Hot Recent News

    The Netherlands-based salafist Imam Tarik Chadlioui, arrested in The Netherlands, was arrested in Birmingham, England. He is handed over to Spain in connection with a terrorist investigation. The imam, better known as Tarik ibn Ali, has a Belgian passport, but was often in the Netherlands to collect money.

  • New London arrest after attack

    New London arrest after attack

    london March 26, 2017 19:21 Hot Recent News

    British police in the English city of Birmingham a 30-year-old man arrested in connection with the attack last week by parliament in London. He is suspected of 'preparation of terrorist acts', the police announced on Sunday.

  • Birmingham raid after attack London

    Birmingham raid after attack London

    london March 23, 2017 07:00 Hot Recent News

    British police raided a house in the city of Birmingham and according to British media loves raid linked to the attack in London on Wednesday. Several people were arrested, according to Sky News, that the association explained Thursday.

  • Trump not welcome in Birmingham

    Trump not welcome in Birmingham

    london February 13, 2017 16:09 Hot Recent News

    The British government is trying to find a location that is capable of playing the planned state visit by US President Donald Trump with minimum inconvenience or protests. However, it is not easy yet, reports The Independent Monday. Thus, the city of Birmingham all up in arms at the suggestion of the president to receive it at the National Exhibition Centre.

  • Jail for Brits who financed Abrini

    Jail for Brits who financed Abrini

    london December 12, 2016 17:57 Hot Recent News

    Two Britons were Monday sentenced to long prison terms because they foresaw the Belgian terrorist Mohamed Abrini money. Abrini became known as 'the man with the hat ', the terrorist who was involved in the bomb blast at the Brussels Zaventem Airport.

  • Man who gave money to Abrini guilty

    Man who gave money to Abrini guilty

    london December 6, 2016 17:36 Hot Recent News

    A UK resident Belgian, 3000 pounds (3500 euros) gave one of the terrorists guilty were involved in the attack on the Brussels airport Zaventem Tuesday by a London court found to finance international terrorism.

  • Brits chase expensive fiver

    Brits chase expensive fiver

    london December 6, 2016 15:18 Hot Recent News

    If you're a Brit these days frantically on a banknote looks rub you should not be surprised. The country is engaged in a major quest in search of four notes of five pounds that are worth as much money as possible 4000 times.

  • Million Penalty for rollercoaster crash

    Million Penalty for rollercoaster crash

    stafford September 27, 2016 13:10 Hot Recent News

    Because two carts in a British coaster collided hard against each other last year, the owner must pay a fine of 5 million pounds. Which is converted nearly 5.8 million. The collision sixteen people were injured. Two teenage girls lost a leg.

  • Anti-brexit protest in London
    0 Comment 624

    Anti-brexit protest in London

    london September 3, 2016 15:27 Hot Recent News

    Several thousand pro-Europe demonstrators Saturday in London took to the streets to make their voices heard against the proposed brexit plans. The so-called march was organized for Europe to exert pressure on the British Government to the process to leave the EU provisionally set out, as British media report. Similar demonstrations, calling precisely for closer ties with Europe, found Saturday in Edinburgh, Birmingham, Oxford and Cambridge.

  • Grenade Attack Gothenburg possible revenge

    Grenade Attack Gothenburg possible revenge

    gothenburg August 23, 2016 09:06 Hot Recent News

    The grenade attack on an apartment in the Swedish city of Gothenburg which killed a Dutch boy in the night from Sunday to Monday, according to the Swedish police possible revenge. The address in Biskopsgården living with someone who is convicted of a fatal shooting last year in a restaurant in the neighborhood, police said.

  • Boy (8) slain by grenade

    Boy (8) slain by grenade

    gothenburg August 22, 2016 19:06 Hot Recent News

    When a shell burst an eight-year-old boy was killed in an apartment in Gothenburg (Sweden). The grenade was overnight thrown through the window around 3 am and exploded in the living room, where the boy was sleeping at that time. here the boy, who comes from England but was staying at that time with relatives in Sweden, was seriously injured and later died in hospital.

  • Researchers unlock VW's without key

    Researchers unlock VW's without key

    August 11, 2016 13:18 Hot Recent News

    Researchers from the University of Birmingham have discovered a way to open tens of millions of Volkswagens without a key, writes Wired. Also by other car brands of the Volkswagen Group made vehicles such as Audi, Skoda and Seats can be so open.

  • Johnson takes one on Brexit

    Johnson takes one on Brexit

    london June 22, 2016 20:33 Hot Recent News

    introduce tough campaign four months Wednesday comes to an end for the Brexit activists. For one last time the supporters and opponents had their say in order to attract voters over.

  • British police arrest terror suspects

    April 15, 2016 11:21 Hot Recent News

    British police have arrested five terror suspects. Birmingham last night arrested four people, three men of 26, 40 and 59 years and a woman aged 29 was early Friday morning arrested a 26-year-old man at Gatwick Airport.

  • Pegida will demonstrate across Europe

    Pegida will demonstrate across Europe

    dresden January 17, 2016 15:49 Hot Recent News

    The origin of German anti-Islamization movement Pegida wants to organize a Europe-wide demonstration in February. Pegida-frontwoman Tatjana Festerling told the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag that the motion on February 6 will demonstrate at international level, including in Amsterdam.

  • After extreme weather emergency Alabama

    After extreme weather emergency Alabama

    December 26, 2015 09:21 Hot Recent News

    Severe weather continues to plague parts of the United States. Friday night (local time) was mainly the state of Alabama hit by severe thunderstorms. A tornado swept through the city of Birmingham and heavy flooding forced the governor of the state to the state of emergency.

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