Trump in Texas, Melania dressed up

President Trump has arrived in Corpus Christi, Texas.

The president is in the company of his wife Melania. Seeing that beard earlier in the day by defying the rain with high-heeled heels. Soon the reactions rained: was that choice so clever? When Melania stepped out of the plane later, she appeared to wear white sneakers, and in addition had exchanged her blouse for a hail white copy.

The place Corpus Christi is not far from the place where Harvey, when another hurricane, landed on Saturday. Upon his arrival, Trump repeated his promise that the federal government will jump to pay the billions of damage caused by storm and rain.

In the disaster area nine deaths have now been counted as a result of natural violence. In Houston and the surrounding area, which are still under heavy rain, about 30,000 people have to seek shelter because their homes are underground.

Trump travels to Austin, Texas's capital, where he will discuss with the authorities. Houston, Texas's largest city, is basically not on its program.