State battered pupil (12) is still critical

The 12-year old student last week in the West German Euskirchen was nearly beaten to death by two students, is still in critical condition in hospital.

The victim, who got seriously injured and is still being held in intensive care and in an artificial coma.

The case has shocked Germany. The police stressed that there are no indications that teachers or older students could have prevented this. However, it is investigated whether there is failure in supervision.

Another twelve year old boy made in Euskirchen declaration knifepoint. The victim was threatened Monday night near the station with a knife by a boy who has beaten him on the street last week. The culprit, according to the police nothing to do with the assault case at the school.

The victim, who got seriously injured and is still being held in intensive care and in an artificial coma.

The case has shocked Germany. The police stressed that there are no indications that teachers or older students could have prevented this. However, it is investigated whether there is failure in supervision.

Another twelve year old boy made in Euskirchen declaration knifepoint. The victim was threatened Monday night near the station with a knife by a boy who has beaten him on the street last week. The culprit, according to the police nothing to do with the assault case at the school.