Rio into disrepair after play

Thousands of spectators, athletes and cheers have in Rio de Janeiro given way to silence and decay.

The organization had the locals promised that there would be earned after the play money with tourism and the organization of sports competitions, but nothing could be true. After the managers of stadiums and the organization of the Olympic Games were arguing about an electricity bill, which has now risen to $ 1 million, there is nothing of ended.

It is certainly not the first time that Olympic villages turn into ghost towns. Also the site of the Games include Berlin, Sarajevo and Turin have been ruined by decay.

The organization had the locals promised that there would be earned after the play money with tourism and the organization of sports competitions, but nothing could be true. After the managers of stadiums and the organization of the Olympic Games were arguing about an electricity bill, which has now risen to $ 1 million, there is nothing of ended.

It is certainly not the first time that Olympic villages turn into ghost towns. Also the site of the Games include Berlin, Sarajevo and Turin have been ruined by decay.