Rel about sex guide for 10 year olds

A guide to sex, distributed among Flemish students, leads to a great deal of division in the country.

The youth guide, which is distributed at elementary school, refers to the site all over the world. pray where all the explicit drawings are. Oral sex, the drill position, the bridge position and the turning tune are depicted.

Critics find it inappropriate for ten-year adolescents.

The Minister of Youth Sven Gatz says that only a small minority of the parents is angry. 'It is an expression of the new preutsness,' he says to Het Nieuwsblad.

The chapter 'Love' refers to the site of all-overexecutions that is actually meant for 15-year-olds. But because there is no more suitable material for younger children, they send the 10-year-olds to this site, according to the newspaper.

Minister Gatz: 'I am in favor of opening up and discussing sexuality without taboos. And that does this site. Indeed, with explicit drawings. But let's not make our own minds: even children from the fifth and sixth year of study have seen images of free couples on the internet. '

The Facebook group is called upon to sign a petition against the dissemination of the guide at schools.

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