Pregnant teenage girl shot asleep, baby survives

In the American Tucson, a six-month pregnant teenage girl (19) has been hit in her sleep by bullets from a drive-by shooting.

The nineteen-year-old Jamsine Vega was sleeping peacefully when she was hit by the flying bullets around 04.50 o'clock. Her family members were awakened by her shouting, but the shooter was already in between. The girl would have been hit by at least one bullet, reports the police against KVOA Tucson News. Whether it was a targeted attack is not clear.

Vega was brought to the hospital in a critical condition, but died shortly after her arrival. The doctors were able to save her unborn baby. The baby is currently being treated, but the condition is unclear.

The police have not been able to arrest anyone, let alone that there is a suspect in the picture. The police are therefore looking for witnesses.