Nijvel case gang of law

The mystery around the gang of Nijvel is 'a smudge on the rule of law we must try to erase.

In a speech, Mayor Christoph D'Haese of the East Flemish city fiercely addressed justice. 'We are entitled to the truth,' he said. Investigation into the motives and identity of the gang members, who committed a series of robbery attacks in the 1980s, involving a total of 28 deaths, have been in a state of thirty years. All the time is rumored that the national guard was involved, at that time Belgium's national police service.

Geens said himself personally to bring the research to a good end. The case has been resurrected because an ex-Federal Guardian said on his death bed recently that he was a leader. 'You've been wrong with the victims for years and extremely unprofessional with the research,' D'Haese sneaked.