Kerkrade spell affair

The municipality of Kerkrade start an integrity investigation VVD alderman Dion Schneider.

Mayor Jos Som late De Telegraaf know that if there is interest and the working relationships affecting it 'appropriate measures'. The big question is whether Schneider can continue to fulfill his duties as a director.

The love affair between the alderman finances and the top official leading to major political unrest in the Limburg municipality. Several parties in all states on the integrity issue. Winand Heijltjes, chairman of Kerkraads largest party Citizen Holdings, indicates 'that they have never experienced.',, I wait now what is going to find the specially appointed committee thereof. '
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Annemie Housen, chairman of the CDA:,, will now have to consider whether it is compatible. If not, the College of B amp will; W must take action against this. '

Mieke van Soest, leader of GroenLinks, indicates 'a lot of questions to talk about this issue.' 'If you as a councilor have a relationship with a senior official within the same municipality, what about the apparent conflict of interest?'

Schneider's own party is trying the resulting unrest, not unexpectedly, somewhat to suppress. 'Between people develop relationships, which is of all times. We'll see how it goes, 'said party chairman Wim de Groot of the liberals.

The affair Schneider is stamped inside the town like a bomb. Reliable sources put the mayor sum this issue 'has been trying to keep under wraps to prevent unrest. After questions from this newspaper in recent days, yet came foregoing rolling.