Demonstrates Adobe Photoshop for votes

Software company Adobe, the maker of Photoshop beeldbewerkingsapp, has demonstrated a new technique that makes it possible to manipulate spoken texts.

The technology is called Voice Conversion (VOCO) and is based on getting to know all the little details of a person's voice. In order to mimic successful person, is also about 20 minutes needed to recorded audio of the person in question. The program 'learns' then the ways in which this man or woman pronounce all the sounds and can simulate them.

Once it is done for work, it's just a matter of filling in a text, and VOCO these works. The program uses where possible all words that are completely delivered by the person, but if that is not possible, he sticks them themselves together on the basis of sounds.

Adobe is aware that the technique can also be used for evil purposes. During the presentation, at the Adobe Max conference of the company, the creators let already hinted that they are coming to think about inaudible 'watermarks' to place in each clip, allowing you to instantly identify with VOCO made fragments.

When the technique will be commercially available, it is not yet known.