Böhmermann can not laugh at T-shirt

German TV comedian Jan Böhmermann has been broken out in laughs when he faced a T-shirt with his portrait and the text 'He's funny.

His lawyer Torben Düsing confirmed Friday that the satirist had gone to court. 'Mr. Böhmermann is not available as an advertising mark for the sale of items from Pro Deutschland. He does not want political parties to earn money with his character. 'The Pro Deutschland Board decided not to make a lawsuit. 'We took today the wrong T-shirt from our assortment' was the quick response.

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Böhmermann spent more than a year in his program 'Neo Magazin Royale' exploring the boundary between satire and reproach a rumored poem about Erdogan. This was 'not amused' and promptly lodged an indictment for insulting a foreign head of state.